Being Still, Quiet
Retreating into oneself like a turtle pulling it`s limbs back into the shell
Being still. Seeing the mind.
The mind is crazy.
Thinking thinking, thing think king. The mind is a kinky thing.
Seeing this proves there must be s o m e t h i n g else, some clarity.
A subject watching an object. Sanity seeing crazyness, spaciousness embracing the contracted, habitual mind.
To see the mind and its craziness, is The Better Way. It is the heroic Way, because
it seems to be neverending ...
Seeing the crazy mind without judgement.
No reacting.
No attraction and aversion.
This is the remedy.
It brings calmness.
Pure seeing is Great Peace. If it doesn't fully work, it`s just an invitation to return.
Meeting the deluded mind
with Awareness, like a chaotic river
emptying itself into the Vast Sea.
There is a strange pleasure in this.
It is the most essential thing,
and it is
the road to Reality